The social integration of people with migration and flight experiences is often closely linked to integration and participation in social life and the labor market. COMPASS will therefore pursue innovative ways of facilitating the path into society and professional life for people with migration and flight experiences.
One of the central starting points of "COMPASS" is the conviction that integration can only succeed if both sides are committed - the immigrants and the members of the host society in the respective country. Until now, the prevailing view has been that it is sufficient to provide language courses. This is based on the assumption that migrants "only" have to learn the language and can then integrate as unobtrusively as possible into the society that is new to them. COMPASS counters this idea of a tendency towards one-sided integration or adaptation with a new strategy that can be fruitful for all sides.
The primary goal is to promote the socio-economic inclusion of migrant women by improving their general skills and abilities. Studies have shown that the risk of unemployment among migrant women is high, due in part to limited professional qualifications and a lack of ICT skills. As digital technologies have become one of the most important tools for access to the labour market, COMPASS will also work to promote the improvement of digital skills of migrant women. These measures should ultimately lead to this:
- promote gender equality and empowerment of migrant women through access to new technologies.
- increase the employability of migrant women and the opportunities for professional qualification by providing new tools and promoting their skills.
- To provide migrant women with access to resources that new technologies can offer them.
- To promote the social inclusion of migrant women as well as their integration into the labour market in the participating countries.